What You Need To Know About Handling Storm Damage

Storm damage can create quite a chaos for your family and your home. Luckily for us here in the St. Charles County area, we have not yet seen any excessive storms this winter. Hang onto your hat though because that might change in a blink of an eye due to the unpredictable weather patterns here in the Midwest. Nearly two to three weeks ago we were pushing close to 70 degrees and a couple of days ago it was freezing rain and some snow dusting. 

Knowing how to react and handle storm damage is imperative. When disaster strikes you can be ready and armed with tactical ways to handle things in a strategic fashion.

Got storm damage? Let us help!

Keep Eyes & Ears Open for Any Storms In the Area

Being informed at all times is important. Especially during inclement weather or now being the wintertime here in the St. Charles County area. There’s a variety of different ways to keep plugged in and keep tabs on the weather. 

  • Download The Weather Channel app for iOS or The Weather Channel app for Android. This is probably one of the most popular weather apps out there. It’s quite robust! Some of its features include notifications regarding upcoming storms. 
  • Tune in to local media, local tv channels, or even radio.
  • You can also follow the local media networks of choice on Twitter or Facebook. This is where you can follow regular updates from them include live streams about inclement weather. 
  • Make sure that you seek shelter when advised. Get into the basement area of your home or the safest place in your home if you do not have a basement area.

Staying in the know is one of the best ways to stay ahead of an upcoming storm. Apps are usually a great option to stay informed. They are so accessible and in the palm of your hand.

How To React When The Storm Arrives

Keep calm and cool. Take deep breaths. Do not panic. Remain in a safe area until the storm passes. 

A lot of people tend to get anxious during storms. Actually, it’s quite normal. Especially if you have never been in such a situation before. The best thing you can do is remain in control. It’s the only way you are going to be able to make solid decisions and act accordingly. 

Here are a few quick tips to be mindful of while you’re stuck in the storm and trying to weather it:

  • Prior to taking shelter, if possible grab a bottle of water, maybe a blanket, and your phone. Who knows how long the storm will last and it’s best to have some last-minute preparations than none at all. 
  • Remain in a safe place and don’t move. Make sure you, your friend, and family, or whoever is with you do the same.
  • Keep tabs on local news, The Weather Channel app, Twitter, Facebook so you can stay on top of recent developments of the storm in the St. Charles County Area.
  • Make sure to listen for loud noises and depending on the storm. Use your best judgment to determine when it might be safe to step away from the shelter area if you’re in one.

Storms vary depending on the type of storm you might be stuck in. Tornados, hail, rain, or even a snowstorm will be different in the way that you respond to them based on their severity.

Got storm damage? Let us help!

What To Do When Storm Passes

Many people can be left in shock after a storm passes. The level of shock will most likely vary as well based on the severity of the storm. Most storms aren’t critical. Depending on the area that you live in and the severity of the storm, it will most likely determine the level of damage. This is when things get really interesting and also potentially quite tedious. You have to remain cool, calm, and strategic about the next steps that are to take place. 

  • Be cautious about moving around your house and especially venturing outside. Remain on your toes and as observant as possible. Particularly if you were in a shelter to weather the storm and slowly emerge from it. 
  • Tune in to local media, Twitter, Facebook, radio, TV, and see if it is safe to move about and outside. 
  • Look for any physical signs of damage in the interior of your home. Broken windows, leaks, or anything of that nature. 
  • Once you are up and running again, you want to inspect the severity of damage done to your home. 
  • Make sure that you have power, water is running, heat or A/C are operating properly. 
  • Check your alarms and detectors. Sometimes during and after storms, they can malfunction. 

Getting back to normal after a storm can be challenging or quite simplistic. It all depends on the level of damage that you have incurred. 

Assessing the Level of Damage

The most critical part of weathering a storm is figuring out how much damage you’ve incurred. This can be challenging especially if you’ve never done this before. Many people haven’t previously had to assess damage after a storm. Mainly due to the fact that severe storms only come around every once in a while. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

Here’s how to quickly and efficiently run down through assessing damage after a storm.

  • Take photos and videos of the damaged areas inside and outside of your home. Whatever you do, no clean-up. Yet anyway. 
  • Avoid any water-saturated areas that are visible. There might be big puddles of water that you’ll need to maneuver around. Don’t step in them.
  • Look for any downed power lines or visibly loose wires. This is extremely important. 
  • Careful going up a ladder. If you’re trying to assess your roof damage, please use extra caution. 
  • Check for any leaks inside your house. The big ones will be visible although there might be some you are not able to visibly see and will require a bit more thorough inspecting. 
  • Open any doors or windows in your house if necessary. There may be a distinct smell from potential water, hail, or even snow damage. 

One of the biggest takeaways for you to notate is ensuring you have documented the storm damage. Photos and videos of the physical damage will be critical for insurance purposes. If you have excessive storm damage, you’ll need proof to create a claim for repairs. 

Getting In Touch With Insurance Company

Handling storm damage in the St. Charles County area can be a very tedious process. Especially if you are someone who has never gone through such a process before. One of the most tedious parts is dealing with an insurance company. That’s where we can offer our help to make the process smoother.

  • Contact us today to get a quote on storm damage repair
  • Review your home insurance policy so you’re familiar with your benefits. 
  • Get in touch with your insurance company to file a claim.
  • Work with us to finalize your claim and schedule repairs. 


Storm damage can be a devastating experience and we are here to help you get through it. Being armed with the proper knowledge on how to handle such situations will help ensure that it’s handled properly. Even though we are into the winter season here in St. Charles County, a storm is probable to occur given the mild weather conditions we typically experience.

Give us a call today at (636) 699-0449 or request your free inspection today. If you’re in the St. Charles County area and looking for an experienced roofing and siding contractor, we are bringing forth over 20 years of experience in the roofing industry. That’s something you can trust and especially if we’re in your neck of the woods.